How to migrate Phoca Gallery from Joomla! 1.5 to 3

There are some guides on how to migrate Phoca Gallery from Joomla! 1.5 to 2.5 and from 2.5 to 3 but in my case I had a really old 1.5 site that was going to be migrated from Joomla! from version 1.5 to 3. The process is very similar to migrating 1.5 to 2.5.

This is how I did it.

You will need access to both sites through:

  • FTP
  • MySQL using for example using phpMyAdmin


Transfer images/phocagallery including subdirectories from the old 1.5-site to the new version 3-site


  • Log in to the Joomla! 1.5 database using phpMyAdmin.
  • Go to export and select all tables beginning with the name jos_phocagallery
  • In Output select to Save output to a file
  • In Dump table select Data
  • In Syntax to use when inserting data select both


  • Using phpMyAdmin on your Joomla! 3-database, find out what database prefix is being used. If it is not jos_ (the default of Joomla! 1.5) open the SQL-file from the export above in a text editor
  • Do a Search and Replace, search for “jos_” and replace it with the “prefix_” of your Joomla! 3-database
  • Save the file


  • Using phpMyAdmin on the Joomla! 3-database, use Import to import the SQL-file
  • In phpMyAdmin, go to the SQL-tab and paste the below SQL-commands (if the database prefix is not “jos_” replace it with your “prefix_” before pasting:

UPDATE `jos_phocagallery` SET `language` = '*';
UPDATE `jos_phocagallery_categories` SET `language` = '*';
UPDATE `jos_phocagallery_comments` SET `language` = '*';
UPDATE `jos_phocagallery_fb_users` SET `language` = '*';
UPDATE `jos_phocagallery_img_comments` SET `language` = '*';
UPDATE `jos_phocagallery_img_votes` SET `language` = '*';
UPDATE `jos_phocagallery_img_votes_statistics` SET `language` = '*';
UPDATE `jos_phocagallery_tags` SET `language` = '*';

If access was not set in Phoca Gallery in Joomla! 1.5 and all categories are public, likely, you need to run the following query:

UPDATE `jos_phocagallery_categories` SET `access` = '1';

It is a good idea to go through and check all settings for Phoca Gallery.

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