
Roundcube – add client’s IP-address and host name to outgoing email headers

By default, the logged in client’s IP-address and hostname are not present in the outgoing email headers which makes it hard to trace the origin in case of abuse.

To make roundcube add this to the email headers of outgoing email, put this in the roundcube configuration file:

// put user's ip and host name in mail headers to enable trace
$config['http_received_header'] = true;

Horde Groupware Webmail alarms.php memory problem

To enable alarms in Horde Groupware Webmail you must add the following to your crontab:

# Horde Alarms
*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/horde/scripts/alarms.php

Depending on your system, the paths above might be different.

You may experience the following error message when the script is run by cron:

Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 147 bytes)

To resolve this, edit the file /etc/php4/cli/php.ini. Depending on your system it might be located somewere else on your particular system. Change the memory limit to 128 MB by changing the memory_limit parameter:

memory_limit = 128M

The above problem has occured with Horde Groupware Webmail version 1.2.3 but might occur in other versions as well.