The reason turned out to be the fact that the Inbox of the account contained many emails (>18.000) so I just moved all emails from the Inbox to an Archive folder and the problem was resolved. Helander Helander2024-11-23 13:27:312024-11-23 13:27:34osTicket “Excessive errors processing emails for” reported by Mail Fetcher
Last wednesday, the 11th of October 2022, Microsoft released the KB5018410 update. After installing the update, Outlook that is connected to IMAP mailboxes started reporting error 0x800CCC0E.
The workaround is to uninstall the KB5018410 update:
Go to the Control panel and search for update history.
If KB5018410 is present as an installed update, click on Uninstall updates on top of the screen
Find KB5018410 in the updates list, mark it and click on Uninstall above the list
The uninstall will take several minutes and requires the computer to reboot
After uninstalling KB5018410 Outlook IMAP sync will start working again.
The problem seems to be caused by two updates from Microsoft; KB2837618 and KB2837643.
There is a simple solution though:
Right click on the affected account in the left pane and select IMAP Folders
Below the list of folders, uncheck the box for “When displaying hierarchy in Outlook, show only the subscribed folders.“
Exit Outlook 2013 / Office 365 and restart it
At the next synchronization the folders and mail will (hopefully) be visible Helander Helander2018-09-03 09:13:072018-09-03 09:13:07No email or folders visible when using IMAP account with Outlook 2013 or Office 365
A client was going to stop using Microsoft Outlook and Exchange server and move their email to an ordinary web hosting company using IMAP. The client was downscaling and had no use of the benefits of Microsoft Exchange like shared contacts and calendars. They where just using it for email which could be obtained much cheaper by using the IMAP account at their web hosting provider.
So I was faced with the task of converting their old email contained in PST files. They had already shut down their Exchange server and I could not use the Outlook program. I just had the PST files that where exported before the server shutdown and needed them imported into the IMAP account without using Outlook as it was not availible for me.
Download and install Thunderbird. Set it up with the target email account both as an IMAP account and a POP3 account (it was a problem importing the converted eml files directly to the IMAP account so I had to import them to the POP3 account which is stored locally and then drag them over to the IMAP account, more about that later on). Make sure you setup the POP3 account to leave mail on server and not delete mail when deleted locally.
Download the ImportExportTools extension for Thunderbird. Drag the downloaded file onto Thunderbird in the task bar to install it.
Download the free trial of the SysTools PST converter and install it. The free version is limited to 25 emails per folder so if you have more emails you need to purchase it ($49 when writing this article). You can make a test run with the free version so you see everything works before you go on and buy it.
Run the SysTools PST converter.
Click the Add file button and select your PST file.
Click the Export button and select EML format, and check the folders you wish to export (normally the top folder). Enter a target folder. Then click the Export button.
In Thunderbird, right click the POP3 email account and select New folder and call it “From PST” for example.
Select the “From PST” folder and go to the menu icon in Thunderbird and select Tools -> ImportExport-tools -> Import all EML from a folder -> and it’s subfolders. Select the top folder of your email export in step 6 and click Select folder.
All subfolder and it’s email should now turn up in the “From PST” folder. Now drag the “From PST” folder from the POP3 account to the IMAP account in Thunderbird.
Finally delete the POP3 account in Thunderbird. Helander Helander2015-01-20 10:54:402015-01-20 10:54:40Convert Microsoft Outlook PST email to IMAP without Outlook
When configuring Microsoft Windows Live Mail (WLM) with an IMAP email account, you should set which folders on the IMAP server that should be used for Sent, Drafts, Deleted and Junk email. This is done by going into the setup for your email account in Windows Live Mail, edit properties for the account and select the IMAP tab. Your email server provider should be able to inform you about the correct IMAP folder names. Normally the root prefix folder should be Inbox.
However, in some cases (versions) of WLM there seems to be a bug so when setting the root folder to Inbox your Inbox will not be visible in the left pane. A workaround (solution) is to leave the root folder empty and instead prefix your IMAP folder names with "Inbox." like Inbox.Sent for the sent folder. Like this (sorry for the swedish version screenshot, didn’t have an english WLM at hand): Helander Helander2014-01-24 10:52:582014-01-24 10:56:22Windows Live Mail (WLM) problem setting IMAP Sent mail folder