Ubuntu eee: Youtube video problem

In Ubuntu eee 8.04 for Asus EeePC 900/901 (‘Easy Peasy‘) there is a problem when trying to look at Youtube videos. Almost all videos gives a message saying that it is not currently available.

The problem is the flash player included in the Ubuntu eee installation. To resolve the problem:

  1. Try do uninstall ‘flashplugin-nonfreebeta’ using the Synaptics package manager.
  2. Go to http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer, download and install the latest flash player for Ubuntu 8.04.
  3. Restart Firefox.

WordPress blog: Problem with uploaded images

In WordPress blog software version 2.7.1 there is a problem after a default install when uploading images. The images are stored in the ‘wp-content’ folder but referred to with ‘wp-content/uploads’ path. The result is that uploaded images can’t be used in blog articles.

To resolve this problem, click on Settings, then Miscellenous. Note that the media path is ‘wp-content’ but the note at the right says that default is ‘wp-content/uploads’. Just click the ‘Save Changes’ button and the problem will be resolved.

There seems to be some default reference to ‘wp-content/uploads’ in the distribution of WordPress, but the settings are set to just ‘wp-content’.

WordPress image problem

osCommerce templates

To get your own style and feel of your osCommerce webshop there are different options at hand. One is to have someone to tailor your own design. This way your web shop will be truly unique, but of course at a cost that can be high.

Other options are using free templates or buying a ready made one. Sometimes there is an option to buy a template “unique”. This means that the template will not be sold to any other customer after you have bought it. Normally you can also see how many that have bought the template before you.

By using a free or commercial template you can get a starting point from where it can be modified to fit your needs. A lot of time and effort can be saved by using a ready made template and just modifying it.

These are some sites were you can find templates or themes for your osCommerce webshop.

The osCommerce Store

Changing “Welcome to the Frontpage” heading in Joomla!

When installing the sample data during the installation of Joomla, the heading of the front page is "Welcome to the frontpage". To change this text,

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How to change the welcome email in osCommerce

The content of the welcome email message sent to new customers in osCommerce can be changed by editing the following file(s):


Where XXXXX is the subdirectory for the language you wish to change the welcome email for. For example “english”. There are a number of texts that appear in the welcome email. They are beginning with:


Make sure you make the same changes for all the languages your site supports.