Recover forgotten password to Cloudlog

I lost my password to my Cloudlog and there is no “forgotten password” built in. I did not succeed by setting $config[‘use_auth’] = false so this is how I did it.

  1. In the root directory of your Cloudlog installation, create a file called pw.php with the following content (edit the $password variable to the password you want in clear text):

    $password = 'cleartextpasswordhere';
    echo password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);

  2. If you don’t have the database password, get it by looking in the file application/config/database.php
  3. Access your database using phpMyAdmin using the database credentials in the previous step
  4. Go to the users table and click edit on the row with your username
  5. Use a web browser and go to http://<your cloudlog url>/pw.php and select and copy the displayed password hash.
  6. In the user_password field, paste the password hash from step 5 and click Go to save
  7. Remove the file pw.php from your cloudlog webroot

You can now log in using the new password.

Call Book Log 3 installation with custom database name

Call Book Log 3 is a log book program for radio amateurs, hosted on a web server, based on PHP 7 and MySQL/mariaDB.

The database for the software is named ‘hamcallbook‘ by default but if you are going to host it on a server where you can’t choose the name of the database, like a web hosting company (“web hotel”) it will not install.

The solution is to simply edit the file setup2.php before starting the installation process. Search for all occurrences of ‘hamcallbook‘ and replace it with your database name.

After installing, edit the file dbconnect.php, find ‘hamcallbook‘ and replace it with your database name.


How to run Zello on Mac OSX

Unfortunately there is no version of Zello available for Mac OSX but it is possible to run the Windows version using Wine.

  • Download and install XQuartz version >= 2.7.7
  • Log out and log back in on your Mac
  • Download and install “Wine stable
  • Download “Zello for PC
  • Launch Finder, go to Programs and run “Wine stable”
  • In the wine terminal window do
    cd Downloads
    wine ZelloSetup.exe
  • The Zello setup process will install Zello and launch it. The next time you want to run Zello, launch Finder, go to Programs and run “Wine stable” and enter
    wine C:\\Program\ Files\ \(x86\)\\Zello\\Zello.exe

Replacing the modular connector on HM-103

ICOM HM-103 microphone with modular connectorThe ICOM IC-706 series comes with a HM-103 microphone with a modular plug as the connector. The disadvantage with these connectors is that the lock pin easily breaks. Replacing the modular plug should be quite easy with a modular crimp tool. However there are some caveats. If you need the schematics of the microphone you find it here (download the instruction manual).

In the old connector you will see two black wires. After cutting the old connector and pealed off the outer skin of the cable you will discover that there is only one black wire. In addition to that, there is a red wire and a gold and silver shield.

Keep the old modular plug to see how the wires should be placed. Trim down the shield leaving just one or two single “straws” from it. The shield should go where the middle black wire is in the old connector (pin nr 5), between the white and the green. The red one is not used and should be cut off.

Getting the wires in the correct positions in the modular connector is a bit like building a ship in a bottle but with patience you will get it in place. Double check the wire colours against the old connector before you crimp it with the modular tool.