After a system update I started to receive cron messages saying “/etc/cron.daily/amavisd-new: Please run this cronjob as user amavis”.
It turns out that this happens because the cron script is replaced by a new one located in /etc/cron.d and the one in /etc/cron.daily is left behind giving this error message.
Solution: After checking that the new script exists in /etc/cron.d, just delete /etc/cron.daily/amavisd-new Helander Helander2019-08-08 08:26:372019-08-08 08:26:39/etc/cron.daily/amavisd-new: Please run this cronjob as user amavis
After installing the 1903 Windows 10 update, also called may 2019 update, users experience problems when trying to connect a VPN connection.
The problem occurs when clicking Connect on the VPN-connection through the system tray. When the dialog box for user name and password should appear, nothing happens.
Until Microsoft solves this a temporary workaround is to connect through the control panel.
Click on the Windows start button (the Windows flag in the bottom left corner)
Click on the cogwheel for Settings
In the control panel search box, type “VPN” and select “VPN-settings“
Click on the connection you want to use to display the Connect button
Click the Connect button and now the dialog box for user name and password will display and you can connect as usual Helander Helander2019-07-29 11:51:022019-07-29 11:51:44Windows 10 VPN-problem after update to 1903 [workaround]
If you are using mysql:secure_installation witch you should, beware of that the script reset all passwords in the SQL server database mysql. To fix this problem use the following. Root password: ALTER USER ‘root’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘MyNewPass’; Session password: ALTER USER ‘mysql.session’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘password’ PASSWORD EXPIRE NEVER;
Exampel error messages: ERROR 1820 (HY000): You must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement. Svensson Svensson2019-07-12 08:52:522019-07-12 08:52:53MySQL 5.7 and mysql_secure_installation
A security problem in the WordPress Live Chat support plugin made it vulnerable for XSS making it possible for an attacker to add custom javascript to the configuration of the plugin. This can be done from the outside world without being logged in to the site.
The exploit has been used to infect WordPress sites with for example redirect scripts, causing the visitor to be redirected to other sites when clicking on internal links in the site. More information about the details of the exploit can be found here.
The vulnerablity in WP Live Chat support plugin has been fixed in version 8.0.29 of the plugin but just updating the plugin will not solve the problem if the site already has been infected with custom javascript code.
To solve the problem:
Make sure WP Live Chat support plugin is updated to version 8.0.29
In WP backend, go to Live Chat -> Settings -> Custom scripts and remove the unwanted code from the Custom JS box (see image)
WP Live Chat custom js attackärmavbild-2019-05-22-kl.-11.52.25.png697907Stefan Helander Helander2019-05-22 11:20:102019-05-22 11:20:11WordPress Live Chat support plugin redirect vulnerability – how to fix
Launch Finder, go to Programs and run “Wine stable”
In the wine terminal window do cd Downloads wine ZelloSetup.exe
The Zello setup process will install Zello and launch it. The next time you want to run Zello, launch Finder, go to Programs and run “Wine stable” and enter wine C:\\Program\ Files\ \(x86\)\\Zello\\Zello.exe Helander Helander2019-05-12 09:42:072019-05-12 09:42:54How to run Zello on Mac OSX
Trying to git clone a repository over ssh in Netbeans 8.2 displaying an error message saying “Incorrect credentials for repository at ssh://” gave me a bit of a headache. I could successfully connect to the repository server using ssh from the terminal in my Mac running OSX.
After spending some time troubleshooting I tried to check for updates in Netbeans and that gave me an error message saying Netbeans could connect to the Internet in order to check for updates.
It turned out the problem was not incorrect credentials for SSH when trying to git clone, but in reality Netbeans could just not access the Internet. This was caused by the TripMode application I am using to control which applications can access the Internet when I am on mobile broadband where data rates applies.
So the error message “Incorrect credentials for repository at ssh://” in Netbeans can be misleading. It can be caused by the fact Netbeans just can’t connect at all to the repository server.ärmklipp-2019-04-07-09.42.06.png671804Stefan Helander Helander2019-04-07 08:56:392019-04-07 08:58:07Netbeans 8.2, git clone over ssh “Incorrect credentials for repository at ssh://”
In order to improve perfomance there are recommendations to set the MTU for the iSCSI interface to MTU 9000 instead of the default 1500.
To do this, it important that you set MTU to 9000 on all devices involved; FreeNAS network interface, VMware NICs and vSwitch and all switch ports on the switches connecting those.
Note: When changing these settings, it will cause loss of connectivity so it might be a good idea not to do it on systems in production.
At one point I had forgotten to set the MTU to 9000 for the VMware NIC (only for the vSwitch) causing connectivity problems and error messages in the FreeNAS logs looking like this:
WARNING: ( no ping reply (NOP-Out) after 5 seconds; dropping connection
FreeNAS settings
In Network interface setup, add “mtu 9000” to options.
VMware settings
Networking -> VMkernel NICs -> edit -> set MTU to 9000 -> Save
Networking -> Virtual switches -> edit -> set MTU to 9000 -> Save
Network switch ports
Make sure all network switch ports all the way between the FreeNAS and VMware host have MTU set to 9000
On the VMware host, enable SSH and login using SSH. Use the command:
vmkping -s 8972 -d
Replace above with the IP-address of your FreeNAS. -s 8972 sets packet size to 8972 bytes allowing 28 bytes for headers and -d means fragmentation should not be allowed.
If everyting works you will get echo replies. If you get the error message “Message too long” it means somewhere on the way between your VMware host and the FreeNAS there is a limit not allowing MTU 9000. Helander Helander2019-02-07 10:26:152019-02-07 10:38:14FreeNAS, VMware and iSCSI with MTU 9000
When restoring an Akeeba backup of a WordPress site the restore process was interrupted with the error message saying 1118 – Row size too large (>8126).
Use SSH to log in to your database server
Edit /etc/mysql/my.cnf or if you use a config file under /etc/mysql/conf.d, edit that one
Under the [mysqld] section add: internal_tmp_disk_storage_engine=MyISAM innodb_strict_mode = 0
Restart mysql: service mysql restart
Edit: After you successfully restored the site, remove the lines and restart MySQL. I didn’t do this and later tried to move another site from this server to another using Akeeba. When the site was installed on the new server, I just got an error message saying “Error Establishing a Database Connection”. To resolve it, I had to go back to the above server, remove the lines from mysql config, restart MySQL, make a new backup of the site using Akeeba and successfully restore it on the new server.