How to do a SharePoint PnPonline connect with PowerShell 7

If you want to do a connection to SharePoint Online with a PowerShell script. You will need to make a connecting user and a certificate for logon. The legacy function with plain text user/password does not work anymore.

The PowerShell CMD-let SharePoint Online PnP has been beprecated and is replaced with PnP PowerShell. Do the following to confirm right installed CMD-let

To check if you have the right version of PowerShell. You will need at least PowerShell 7.3

1 $PSVersionTable.PSVersion

Get all installed SharePoint Online PnP PowerShell Modules

1 Get-module -ListAvailable *pnp*

If both or PnP Classic is installed

1 Uninstall-Module PnP.PowerShell -AllVersions -Confirm:$False

2 Uninstall-Module SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline -AllVersions -Confirm:$False

Some versions of PowerShell need to change the TLS to version 1.2 for uninstall and install to work

1 [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

Install the latest version of PnP.PowerShell. Choose install option Yes to All

1 Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

2 Install-Module PnP.PowerShell

You have now installed the new Module

To make a connection to SharePoint Online you will need a global account to your Tenant and some information.

Make a folder for your certs at the local computer “c:\mycertificates”. Do not use spaces or local characters for the folder name. Register the account.

$result = Register-PnPEntraIDApp -ApplicationName “[MySharePointAppName]” -Tenant [TenantName] -OutPath c:\mycertificates -Interactive

Sign in with your Admin account and the script will return a client ID on success. Store the client ID for feature use. You will receive two certificates in your certificate folder.

To make a connection to SharePoint

Connect-PnPOnline [TenantName][folder] -ClientId [ClientIDNo] -Tenant [TenantName] -CertificatePath “C:\mycertificates\[MySharePointAppName].pfx”

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