osTicket “Excessive errors processing emails for” reported by Mail Fetcher

The email account was set up as an IMAP account.

The reason turned out to be the fact that the Inbox of the account contained many emails (>18.000) so I just moved all emails from the Inbox to an Archive folder and the problem was resolved.

JA Simpli featured articles blog layout not working after upgrade from Joomla! 3 to 4 or 5

Using the template JA Simpli with a menu item displaying featured articles in a blog layout. I had set up a 3 column layout but after upgrade to Joomla! 4 and 5 the featured articles was displayed full width stacked on eachother.


  • Rename the current menu item, espcially the alias field.
  • Create a new menu item of the type Featured articles and set it up exactly as the old one. Use the old alias.

The blog layout now displays correctly and the old menu item can be deleted.

Contact Form 7 and All in one WP security and firewall

If you unable to submit forms through Contact Form 7 while not logged in (i.e. test in incognito mode) and All in one WP security and firewall is used, make sure that the Disallow unauthorized REST requests is NOT enabled in AIOWP Security and Firewall. (It is mentioned in the yellow info box *hint* *hint*.)

The settings are found in WP Security -> Firewall -> WP REST API tab


How to do a SharePoint PnPonline connect with PowerShell 7

If you want to do a connection to SharePoint Online with a PowerShell script. You will need to make a connecting user and a certificate for logon. The legacy function with plain text user/password does not work anymore.

The PowerShell CMD-let SharePoint Online PnP has been beprecated and is replaced with PnP PowerShell. Do the following to confirm right installed CMD-let

To check if you have the right version of PowerShell. You will need at least PowerShell 7.3

1 $PSVersionTable.PSVersion

Get all installed SharePoint Online PnP PowerShell Modules

1 Get-module -ListAvailable *pnp*

If both or PnP Classic is installed

1 Uninstall-Module PnP.PowerShell -AllVersions -Confirm:$False

2 Uninstall-Module SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline -AllVersions -Confirm:$False

Some versions of PowerShell need to change the TLS to version 1.2 for uninstall and install to work

1 [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

Install the latest version of PnP.PowerShell. Choose install option Yes to All

1 Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

2 Install-Module PnP.PowerShell

You have now installed the new Module

To make a connection to SharePoint Online you will need a global account to your Tenant and some information.

Make a folder for your certs at the local computer “c:\mycertificates”. Do not use spaces or local characters for the folder name. Register the account.

$result = Register-PnPEntraIDApp -ApplicationName “[MySharePointAppName]” -Tenant [TenantName].onmicrosoft.com -OutPath c:\mycertificates -Interactive

Sign in with your Admin account and the script will return a client ID on success. Store the client ID for feature use. You will receive two certificates in your certificate folder.

To make a connection to SharePoint

Connect-PnPOnline [TenantName].sharepoint.com/sites/[folder] -ClientId [ClientIDNo] -Tenant [TenantName].onmicrosoft.com -CertificatePath “C:\mycertificates\[MySharePointAppName].pfx”

Doro PMR walkie talkie key lock

How to lock and unlock the key lock on a Doro PMR walkie talkie:

  • Press and hold the power button
  • Press UP button

This way the locked symbol is toggled.

Anytone AT-D878UV not displaying roaming channel – fixed!

When I got my first Anytone AT-D878UV in 2019 the roaming function used to display which channel it had roamed onto but later on, probably after a firmware upgrade this disappeared rendering the roaming function rather useless.

This continued even though I switched to the latest AT-D878UVII Plus. I recently asked a friend who also got the latest model if he had the same problem – which he hadn’t.

This made me suspect that this is an error that had occurred in my codeplug and continued to exist even though I’ve switching models (since the RDT-files are upward compatible I didn’t bother to make a new codeplug for the new radio, so I just opened the RDT-file from the old one).

So I exported everyting on my current codeplug to CSV-files, went into the CPS and made a new codeplug, imported the CSV files and walked through Optional settings to set up everyting as I wanted. Then wrote the new codeplug to the radio and guess what – now it displays the channel it is roaming on!