Sometimes it can be handy to create virtual com port pairs or virtual null modem using software. There are several solutions available, free and paid. The commercial softwares do work but with prices like 130 USD it is a bit out of range for a hobby project.
However, I found a project called com0com which is free. This software works well with Windows 10, both 32 and 64-bit versions available.
com0com virtual serial ports Helander Helander2022-07-08 08:49:132022-07-08 08:49:14Virtual com port / serial port for Windows 10
In an earlier post I described my experiences with the HyEndFed 5 band antenna but for several reasons I decided to quickly replace it with the 8 band version for 10/12/15/17/20/30/40/80 meters.
The reasons for this was, for one thing, that I soon discovered that I was missing the WARC bands for different reasons. One of them is contests. Contests are fun – when you are participating. When not, it makes the bands very hard to use. You will have a hard time finding non contest stations and sometimes I just switched the radio off, waiting for the contest to be over. The WARC bands are contest free and became my go to bands during contests.
Another reason for replacing the 5 band antenna was that it is rated for 200 watts SSB PEP. Nothing more than that is mentioned on their website when it comes to power. It was when unpacking the antenna, reading the instructions, I realized this means 30 watts limit for CW and DIGI-modes. It would have been very nice to mention this on the website as well. I am doing about 98% of my QSO:s in CW and I like to be able to use my rig’s full 100 watts of power.
The third reason I initially choose the 5 band antenna was it’s length – 23 meters. This is just about the size I can fit in on my property. But at the time considering a new antenna, I realized that endfed half waves (EFHW) actually doesn’t have to be installed in a straight line. Bend it like Beckham 🙂 It can be installed in an angle for example. The radiation pattern will of course suffer but they still work. The 8 band antenna is 40 meters long, so to fit it in, I must install it in an angle.
So I decided to replace it with the 1 kW model of HyEndFed 8 band antenna. I used the same fur tree as a fixing point, but insted of having the end at the tree, I now has a bend. I selected the 1 kW model to be able to cope with my 100 watts CW. The model chosen was the one with aluminium plate and strand relief on the plate.
My 8 band efhw 40 meters long, installed in an angle
I can use the antenna on most bands without a tuner but I do actually use my ICOM AT-180 on most bands to get the SWR down to as close as 1:1. With the AT-180 it actually also tunes on 160 meters but my QRM levels on that band are so high so I haven’t tried it in a QSO yet.
It have worked all other bands with the antenna I am quite happy with it, and considering it is a multiband antenna I think it is a very good compromise. Helander Helander2022-07-06 12:33:462022-07-06 12:33:47My experience with HyEndFed 8 band antenna – bend it like Beckham…
A client was developing a Joomla site and had set it to Offline mode. In order to have a beta test group access the site for evalutation and tests, they had created a user account for the group and set it to Registered. The permissions for Registered users was set to Allow Offline access. At this moment the offline page was not showing up anymore for non-logged in users, i.e. anyone could access the site.
It turns out, bug in Joomla or not, that if you allow offline access for the Registered group the offline mode will stop working. The beta test group had to be put under Guests and allowing offline access to that group instead.
Go to System -> Global Configuration
Click on the Permissions tab
Click on the Registered user group
Select Inherited
Click Save Helander Helander2022-06-27 07:36:272022-06-27 07:42:36Joomla offline mode not working [solution]
I purchased a new, unused Nagoya RB-400 lidmount antenna mount from a seller on eBay. After a couple of days of use, I was going to adjust the angle using the hexagon socket screw. When unscrewing it, a part of the mount just fell off (see photo).
I did not overload the mount (largest antenna used while driving was a 65 cm whip). Did I overtight the hexagon scew? Obviously 🙂 I’m quite used to dealing with mechanical stuff and I applied a resonable force while tighting it, to keep the antenna upright while driving but not really enormous force.
My brand new Nagoya RB-400 fell to pieces. This ring is not supposed to come off. It is a part of the mechanics keeping the antenna straight up.
I guess it was a manufacturing fault but getting it replaced from the eBay seller would cost me a great part of the price as a new one as the seller policy for returns was that the buyer pays the return cost. Worst case is that it was a construction issue and in that case I will probably soon end up with the same result. I didn’t want this to be bothering me anymore.
Instead I went to a local ham shop and bought another (more expensive) brand and the RB-400 went into the trash.
Anyone else who have experiences like this with the RB-400? My experience with Nagoya products so far is not impressing (see my article on RB-66 rusting scews), so I will probably avoid them in the future. Helander Helander2022-05-16 10:11:202022-05-16 10:12:43Nagoya RB-400 – it just fell to pieces
I purchased a Nagoya RB-66 lidmount antenna mount from a seller on eBay. The product was new (not second hand used). After two weeks use, I noticed the screws had started rusting.
Nagoya RB-66 rusting screws
Dear Nagoya. The antenna mount is supposed to be used on cars. Cars are outside all year around, in all kinds of weather conditions. Why don’t you use stainless steel screws? Yes, I know they are more expensive.
I replaced the two screws and the four small hexagon socket screws (they also started to rust) with stainless steel ones so hopefully my problem is solved. But quite annoying. I think a product supposed to be used on a car should be able to handle all year weather conditions and it is quite annoying having to replace parts before being able to use the product properly.
Operating ham radio QRP, that is using low power, is probably not a good choise for the new beginner. To successfully operate ham radio QRP you need to use all your skills when it comes to selecting the correct bands, modes, propagation and evauluating current conditions. As a beginner to amateur radio it might be a better idea to start off with for example a 100 watt rig to get a lot of successful QSO:s and acquire knowledge about propagation and conditions first.
However, when you start to know how propagation and band conditions work, operating QRP from a portable location with a small temporary antenna can be an exciting and rewarding challenge. When operating QRP any contact is a success, not just far away DX stations. A contact just 500 or 1000 km:s away using a few watts is really exciting. But operating QRP requires patience. Don’t expect to come home with a log book with hundreds and hundreds of QSO:s.
Use CW. It comes through better with small amounts of power than SSB.
Listen around on the bands to estimate which bands are open and select the one with most or strongest stations. I usually start off on 10 meters and walk downwards on 12, 15, 17, 20, 30, 40 and 80 meters. If 10 meters is open, it can give you nice contacts with small amounts of power. That is during day time, if it is evening or night you might start off at 30 meters and walk your way down to 40 or 80. But as you know how propagation works, this is not news for you 😉
If you have Internet connection, send out a few CQ:s on each band and search for your call on Reverse Beacon Network (enter your callsign in the DX box) to see on what bands you show up and where your signals are strongest.
I prefer the WARC bands (12, 17 and 30 meters). They are contest free and generally less crowded.
Responding to CQ:s are way more efficient than sending CQ:s yourself. Even though your CQ might be heard, people have a tendency to respond to stronger signals and your will be weak when operating QRP.
If you decide to CQ yourself, use the QRP calling frequencies; 28.060, 24.906, 21.060, 18.086, 14.060, 10.116, 7.030 and 3.560 MHz. I usually add “QRP” one time before “PSE K” to indicate that I am operating QRP.
My QRP “go to” band usually is 30 meters. It is often open, it has propagation characteristics between 20 and 40 meters. And I usually get best results on RBN when I work 30 meters.
In the pictures below, I am operating QRP as SM0RGM/6 from a location nr Strömstad, Sweden.
Good luck and hope to see you on the bands! 73 de SM0RGM / OZ0RGM
Yaesu FT-818ND QRP and CW keyerHF-P1 10-80 meter portable antennaEFHW 10-40 m on glass fibre fishing rodOperating ham radio QRP as SM0RGM/6 from a temporary location nr Strömstad, Sweden Helander Helander2022-04-18 09:47:152022-04-18 17:02:47How to operate QRP successfully
Your dropbox is full and the amount of space you are using shown in the app or web interface does not correspond to the size of the Dropbox folder on your computer. You are not using selective syncing, i.e. all folders in the Dropbox cloud should be equal to the size of the Dropbox folder on your computer.
The reason might be you are using an external USB-drive on your computer.
When external USB-drives are connected, Dropbox asks if they should be backed up. If you selected yes, the content of the USB drive is copied to Dropbox cloud and occupies your space. If this was not the intention (for example if the external drive contains a backup copy of your files in the Dropbox folder), remove the external drive from the Dropbox folder. Helander Helander2022-03-30 11:02:392022-03-30 11:02:41Why is my Dropbox full?
Your site is down just displaying “This site is experiencing technical difficulties” and you need to investigate what is causing the error. If you turn on PHP error reporting at your hosting provider, WordPress still just displays the generic message.
Turn on PHP error reporting at your hosting provider.
Edit the wp-config.php file and comment out the line define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, false );
// define( 'WP_DEBUG', false );
Then add the following lines and make sure they occur before the line /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
It turned out the reason for this was changed permissions on the /tmp folder (caused by restoring a folder with BackupPC to /tmp instead of it’s original location).
chown root:root /tmp
chmod 1777 /tmp
After this apt update worked as normal. Helander Helander2022-03-16 12:27:332022-03-16 12:27:35apt update error message “Could not execute ‘apt-key’ to verify signature”
By using word-wrap, word-break and overflow-wrap in CSS you can control the browser’s behaviour when it comes to word wrapping. However, it is not possible to control where the word breaks. It just breaks when the word no longer fits in the container.
To indicate where a word can be broken, the soft hyphen can be used. The soft hyphen is a html code:
For example:
and we want it to break just after “very”, then we type:
When the container doesn’t fit the word, it will be displayed on two lines:
Thisisavery- longword Helander Helander2022-03-15 12:04:062022-03-15 12:09:46How to indicate where a word should wrap in HTML/CSS