Cisco RV160 IPv6 configuration

This is how I configured IPv6 address received dynamically from my ISP. This is not to be confused with using a 6to4 tunnel service which is something completely different. In this case, a real IPv6 address is received using DHCP6 or SLAAC from the ISP.

In this setup the IPv6 LAN side is bridged with the IPv6 WAN side, so the LAN subnet is a part of the larger WAN subnet. Firewall rules will apply even though it is a bridged, not routed setup.

  1. Go to WAN -> WAN settings -> IPv6 Settings and select DHCP, check DHCP-PD and enter “0” for Prefix name. Apply.
  2. Go to Status and Statistics -> IPv6 tab and verify that you get a IPv6 address from your provider (starting with 2a02 in my case).
    Cisco RV160 IPv6
  3. Go to LAN -> VLAN Settings and select vlan 1, click edit button.
    Cisco RV160 IPv6
    In the IPv6 sections, select prefix from WAN 0, in my case address beginning with 2a02 and /48 size.
    Enter 0 for suffix, 64 for prefix length, leave DHCP Type disabled. Apply.
  4. Go to LAN -> Router advertisment and click Enable, select Unicast, do not select Managed or Other. Make sure the IPv6 prefix is visible in the Prefix table.


WordPress displays 'Connection Information'

WordPress displays “Connection Information” asking for FTP credentials

WP displays “Connection Information” and a text “To perform the requested operation, WordPress needs to access your web server. Please enter your FTP credentials to proceed. If you do not remember your credentials, you should contact your web host.

To solve this, add the following line to your wp-config.php:


If that doesn’t solve the problem you need to check the file access rights for the WordPress installation on the web server.

How to upgrade Windows 10 Enterprise Evaluation to full version

If you’ve tried the Windows 10 Enterprise Evaluation and decide to go on and buy the full version, Microsoft doesn’t support a simple way of just converting or upgrading.

This is how you do it.

You will need:

  • An ISO image of Windows 10 Enterprise, download it from Microsoft (link is not provided here because Microsoft has a tendency to change their URL:s and direct links usually ends up broken, so you just have to search for it at Microsoft). Note: It MUST be for the same language code as the one used when you installed the Evaluation.
  • A Windows 10 license key.
  1. Start the upgrade using the ISO image but do not continue
  2. Start the Registry Editor (i.e. run regedit)
  3. Search for “CurrentVersion”, i.e:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
  4. In EditionID value data, change EnterpriseEval to Enterprise
  5. In ProductName value, change Windows 10 Enterprise Evaluation to Windows 10 Enterprise
  6. Immediately continue the upgrade while the Registry Editor is still open (otherwise the changed registry values will revert and you will not be able to upgrade).

Config Cisco Nexus L3 vlan routing IPv6

Config Cisco Nexus L3 vlan routing IPv6

This is a simple how to make a nexus switch L3 routeing and the connected access switches still on L2 switching. If you have a router connected between internet and the router switch. Make shure you have a static route configured to the two vlan network.

Router Switch

no system default interface-vlan autostate (brings up the vlan)

conf t

vlan 10  (creates vlan 10 L2)

name Servers vlan 10


vlan 20 (creates vlan 20 L2)

name Servers vlan 20


feature interface-vlan  (Converts L2 vlan 10 to L3 vlan 10)

interface vlan 10

ipv6 address 2001:db8::/50

no ip redirects


feature interface-vlan  (Converts L2 vlan 20 to L3 vlan 20)

interface vlan 20

ipv6 address 2001db8:0:4000::/50

no ip redirects


interface ethernet 1/1 (creates tagged vlan port to access sw1)

description To Access Sw1


switchport mode trunk

no shutdown


interface ethernet 1/2 (creates tagegd vlan port to access sw1)

description to Access Sw2


switchport mode trunk

no shutdown


interface ethernet 1/3 (Creates the link network port)

description to Internet

no switchport

ipv6 address 2001:db8:1000:8000::1/64

no shutdown


ipv6 route ::  2001:db8:1000:8000::2 (makes default router to next hop router)

copy running-config startup-config

Access Sw1

conf t

vlan 10 (creates vlan 10 L2)

name Servers vlan 10


vlan 20 (creates vlan 20 L2)

name Servers vlan 20


interface ethernet 1/1 (creates tagged vlan port to Router switch)

description To Router Switch


switchport mode trunk

no shutdown


interface ethernet 1/2 (creates untagged vlan 10 port to servers)

description Access vlan 10


switchport mode access vlan 10

no shutdown


interface ethernet 1/3 (creates untagged vlan 20 port to servers)

description  Access vlan 20


switchport mode access vlan  20

no shutdown


copy running-config startup-config

Access Sw2

conf t

vlan 10 (creates vlan 10 L2)

name Servers vlan 10


vlan 20 (creates vlan 10 L2)

name Servers vlan 20


interface ethernet 1/1 (creates tagged vlan port to Router switch)

description To Router Switch


switchport mode trunk

no shutdown


interface ethernet 1/2 (creates untagged vlan 10 port to servers)

description Access vlan 10


switchport mode access vlan 10

no shutdown


interface ethernet 1/3 (creates untagged vlan 20 port to servers)

description  Access vlan 20


switchport mode access vlan  20

no shutdown


copy running-config startup-config

Config Cisco Nexus L3 vlan routing IPv4

This is a simple how to make a nexus switch L3 routeing and the connected access switches still on L2 switching. If you have a router connected between internet and the router switch. Make shure you have a static route configured to the two vlan network.

Router Switch

no system default interface-vlan autostate (brings up the vlan)

conf t

vlan 10  (creates vlan 10 L2)

name Servers vlan 10


vlan 20 (creates vlan 20 L2)

name Servers vlan 20


feature interface-vlan  (Converts L2 vlan 10 to L3 vlan 10)

interface vlan 10
ip address
no ip redirects


feature interface-vlan  (Converts L2 vlan 20 to L3 vlan 20)
interface vlan 20
ip address
no ip redirects


interface ethernet 1/1 (creates tagged vlan port to access sw1)
  description To Access Sw1
switchport mode trunk
  no shutdown


interface ethernet 1/2 (creates tagegd vlan port to access sw1)
  description to Access Sw2
switchport mode trunk
no shutdown


interface ethernet 1/3 (Creates the link network port)
description to Internet
no switchport
ip address
no shutdown


ip route (makes default router to next hop router)

copy running-config startup-config

Access Sw1

conf t

vlan 10 (creates vlan 10 L2)

name Servers vlan 10


vlan 20 (creates vlan 20 L2)

name Servers vlan 20


interface ethernet 1/1 (creates tagged vlan port to Router switch)
description To Router Switch
switchport mode trunk
no shutdown


interface ethernet 1/2 (creates untagged vlan 10 port to servers)
description Access vlan 10
switchport mode access vlan 10
no shutdown


interface ethernet 1/3 (creates untagged vlan 20 port to servers)
description  Access vlan 20
switchport mode access vlan  20
no shutdown


copy running-config startup-config

Access Sw2

conf t

vlan 10 (creates vlan 10 L2)

name Servers vlan 10


vlan 20 (creates vlan 10 L2)

name Servers vlan 20


interface ethernet 1/1 (creates tagged vlan port to Router switch)
description To Router Switch
switchport mode trunk
no shutdown


interface ethernet 1/2 (creates untagged vlan 10 port to servers)
description Access vlan 10
switchport mode access vlan 10
no shutdown


interface ethernet 1/3 (creates untagged vlan 20 port to servers)
description  Access vlan 20
switchport mode access vlan  20
no shutdown


copy running-config startup-config

iFAQ auto expand all [solution]

The Joomla! extension iFAQ from Ideal Extensions is a nice way of building a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section on your website.

One feature I am missing though is to be able to select wether a FAQ list of articles should default to all open instead of closed. This is a simple workaround.

Add a module of the type Custom HTML and edit the module content using no editor. Publish the module in a suitable module position, like Debug.

Insert the following javascript into the module (remember, no editor mode):

jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 
  jQuery( "#expand-all" ).click(); 

By selecting which menu items the module is displayed for, you can choose the FAQ pages where you want to have the articles expanded by default.

Prestashop multistore – can’t get out of maintenance mode

After maintenance even though setting to shop to active, frontend still shows maintenance mode. This can occur when multistore is enabled.


  • Use for example phpMyAdmin to access the shop database
  • Find the ps_configuration table
  • Find all records with the name PS_SHOP_ENABLE and change them from ‘0’ to ‘1’ (there are probably more than one)
Joomla breadcrumbs not working, solved in JoomSEF by entering ItemID

Breadcrumbs only showing “Home” for Joomla article

A Joomla article was published through a menu item (single article) but the breadcrumbs when displaying the article only showed “Home” (not clickable). The menu path and article title was missing in the breadcrumbs.

In this case JoomSEF was installed on the site. The solution was to find the SEF URL in JoomSEF (go to “Manage SEF URLs”). The ItemID field was empty.

The problem was solved by entering the menu ID for the menu item displaying the article in the ItemID field, saving and clearing the cache.

WordPress shows white page after site move

WordPress just showing a white page means it is experienceing PHP errors. When it occurs after a site has been moved from one hosting to another it can be caused by several reasons.

To make it possible to track down the cause you can temporarily add the following to the .htaccess file in the root. If this gives you a internal server error 500 it means it is not allowed by the host. If allowed, you will get error messages from PHP dispayed on screen when accessing the site:

php_flag display_startup_errors on
php_flag display_errors on

There are visbible PHP ending tags ?> on the site

If you see more or less normal output from the site but once in a while you see lines ending with ?>. This can happen if the site has been running on PHP 5 where the short PHP start tag <? is allowed (instead of the longer <?php.

If the site has been moved to PHP 7 where this is not longer allowed, it can cause this kind of strange behaviour.

If you don’t want to go through all the code and find all the occurrences of <? and replace them with <?php (which is one solution), you can simply add the following to your php.ini:


You need to restart Apache after this.

Wordfence plugin is installed

You need to manually edit the system specific paths in the following files:

  • .user.ini in the site root, change the path after auto_prepend_file
  • wordfence-waf.php in the site root, change the paths on all occurrences

WP Rocket plugin is installed

The file wp-content/advanced-cache.php contains system specific paths. You can manually update them or just simply delete the file and login to wp-admin of the site and it will be recreated automatically with the correct paths.