My YouTube videos not displaying in related / suggested videos anymore

I have a YouTube channel where I post videos from different strange things I am up to. Suddenly I noticed the video shows dropped significantly. The statistics (analytics) showed that the majority of my video views came from "related videos" (also sometimes referred to as suggested videoes). 

Some Googleing on the subject didn’t really turn up with a reason or solution but I found people with similar problems and someone said YouTube has a function to disable your videos from related videos if you view your own videos repead number of times, possibly trying to "boost" your view counter. 

This wasn’t happening in my case but I do use to visit my own channel as it is a quick way to see it’s number of views. The featured video on my channel is on autoplay – so yes, every time I visited my channel I also triggered one of my own videos. 

After that I haven’t visited my own channel for two months and last week the statistics starts to show that the views coming from related / suggested videos are climbing back to the levels two months ago. 

I haven’t been able to verify this with YouTube but my advise is – don’t visit your own YouTube channel or your own videos unless you are logged out from your YouTube account.

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